Every day is really good. The ups and downs through trials and tribulations are but opportunities to trust Jesus more and more. In Christ there is growing peace with God.

Before Christ my sins (not being perfect) kept me at odds with God who is perfect. I was a sinner destined for hell. Then the grace of God the Father sent God the Son, Jesus. God allowed me to receive Jesus, I believed, trusted, that He died for me. He was separated from God and not me. Through the death of Christ, I was made spiritually alive.

Jesus took my penalty for sin to the cross and died in my place, He is my Substitute, Who took God’s wrath punishing Him instead of me. Thank God for Jesus, He is the Perfect One who makes me perfect in God’s eyes.

In the Bible Jesus said in — Matthew 5:48
Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. — —

Trust, believe, follow and obey Jesus into your heart and your life will change for the BEST, for all eternity. You will become heaven bound. I Hope and pray to see you in heaven.

The Bible is the very words of God, believe it.