Glorify God 2024 Christmas
Sounds and sights of entertainment so easily consume a person's' attention. Don't be distracted. God gave the Savior, Lord Jesus Christ, to all the world, anybody can receive Him, by the grace of God. The Westminster Shorter Catechism states that the chief end of man...
Chose To Align With God
Voting for a major political party in the 2024 race for leadership is already over, weeks and days before the voting is over. With both major parties backing the murder of babies in the womb, there is no choice to limit the slaughter of the most innocent. After three,...
Trump II – Abortion
All people live where God will appoint the President of His choice. We wait in faith. Trump II, version two, is nearing the time in American history, when he may compromise the platform of the Republican Party’s stance against abortion. If Trump II, decides to remove...
The One Top Event
Truly – the one top event in my 36-year-old life, to begin God’s grace filled salvation, was when the Holy Spirit began His incursion, into my empty life. As usual I was alone. He baffled me, by His soft, quiet presence. One then another incident relating to the...
In Your Path
By the grace of God, He helps us see people, as His creations and therefore we care with loving concern, slow to discern and willing to help. Breach the silence, thank God for another day, keep hope aware, that this person may be in your path, by the will of God. Talk...
My Research
My research finds that the bottom line, root cause, for inadequate housing, unequal pay scales, unemployment, bias news reporting and dysfunctional government etc. is SIN and a very low understanding Who God is. - - - Conditions in the world are getting worse and will...
Who’s Happy with This World
Are those who believe in reincarnation, happy to live on a fast-dying temporary planet of escalating chaos? Are the poor happy to be fearfully intimidated by oppressive criminals and drug lords, forcing families to flee homes and land, to migrate northward? Are the...
The World Won’t Call Racism Sin
Instead of calling racism sin, the world denies God’s Bible truth, sin, the Devil and hell. The world say's let's call sin, Structural Racism, Systematic Racism, and Meta Racism. The world won’t call racism sin. Let us, the world, deny our need for God to be first in...
God’s Truth
Be at peace with God forever, receive His truth today
Saved From Eternal Hell
Jesus is a gift from God, Jesus is the only Savior of the eternal soul. Truly, receiving God's gift, you are instantly saved from eternal hell. By holding, obeying, growing in Him by faith, reading and believing the Bible grows your new personal relationship with...