In Your Path

By the grace of God, He helps us see people, as His creations and therefore we care with loving concern, slow to discern and willing to help. Breach the silence, thank God for another day, keep hope aware, that this person may be in your path, by the will of God. Talk...

God’s Truth

God’s truth from God, Bible truth is the only path with Him now and eternally. Because God cares for us all, He wants to help us, save us, teach us, because He loves us. God created us and only God can give us His truth. Be at peace with God forever, receive His...

Amazing Truth

What is the best thing about the Baby Boomer generation? The word best is overused and vague. For me to answer, I will restate the question. What is the most excellent, important, amazing truth about life, for Baby Boomers? My answer is the gospel of Jesus Christ. He...

Scare Tactic of Satan

You may have heard it said: There’s an unwritten law, it’s a warning; “If you want to avoid trouble, don’t talk about money, politics or religion.” This caution against those three topics is really a scare tactic of Satan. Two topics are popular, one may save your...