Jesus My Savior
Verse One
Once or twice I heard sinners were going to hell
Thought my good deeds will keep me out then I would rebel
Because everybody sins nobody’s perfect like God
Will you admit it Sinner hang your head and nod
Verse Two
My guess was I’d see heaven or hell when I die
Then God walked in and took away my blinded eye
He gave me His grace His love God gave me His Son
Saying; “Jesus will save you He’s the only One”
I’m a heaven made born again partaker
The world will fade not me and my Maker
I took the gift of God Jesus My Savior
My soul won’t drift held by Jesus My Savior
Verse Three
Dear Sinner, I hope I’m not singing this song in vain
I had what you got living in denial and pain
Time is like a boat that will sink sooner or later
Will you trust Jesus and believe He’s the Creator
The world is a vice turning tight
Everywhere you turn there’s a fight
Who do you trust what’s wrong what’s right
When every sin has consequences
I’m a heaven made born again partaker
The world will fade not me and my Maker
I took the gift of God Jesus My Savior
My soul won’t drift held by Jesus My Savior
Lyrics by Michael D. Rourke, Copyright, 11-2020